抵住奢華5星飯店 新加坡洲際酒店 InterContinental Singapore – 超近捷運武吉士站及商場 交通便利的新加坡酒店

今次去新加坡考慮了很久該住5星還是4星酒店,因為小編大部份時間都不會在酒店內,當我準備預訂1間4星級酒店時,剛好在 Agoda 看到 新加坡洲際酒店 InterContinental Singapore 的價錢只是貴HKD150 (查價),我不用考慮地轉訂InterContinental Singapore,因為久聞該酒店的早餐比香港的自助晚餐更丰富,而且新加坡食飯有7% 稅項,所以計落InterContinental Singapore會化算一點! 而且5星級及地理位置亦是一個重要因素!

InterContinental Singapore 住宿分享



新加坡洲際酒店有不少供兒童玩樂的設施,加上這裡離前往LEGOLAND的旅遊巴車站Singapore Flyer只有數分鐘車程,對於一家大細來說是很適合的。

“InterContinental Singapore map”的图片搜索结果

更重要的是,新加坡洲際酒店位於武吉士(Bugis)地鐵站旁,與Bugis Junction商場是連在一起的,因此不用日曬雨淋就能到達地鐵站,非常方便。(查價)

“bugis station hotel”的图片搜索结果

飯店其中一個出入口就是與Bugis Junction連通,飯店建築走殖民時代的歐式建築風格,影相放在 Facebook 打卡一流。(查價)


口講無憑,看看Tripadvisor 最近的 comment 可以見到有正!

“The hotel is fantastic and beautifully located. The staff is very friendly and helpful, however, it is a shame that a hotel of this standing & quality has such a bad free internet. This is really not necessary in high tech Singapore……”


下方是Bugis Junction

Bugis Junction

與Bugis Junction相連之入口



這是新加坡洲際大廳辦入住手續的櫃台。這裡有非常有古式懷舊的氛圍。這亦是至今去過新加坡的旅程中小編最愛的 Lobby Lounge。高挑的空間,懷舊的氛圍,漂亮的水晶燈,不用多說吧。在這裡悠閒的喝杯飲料也是一種極致的享受。(查價)

一離開計程車,酒店職員馬上上前幫我們拿行李,並把行李直接送到我們的房間;在receptionist幫我們辦理check-in手續時,有員工馬上把新加坡市內地圖奉上,並為我們介紹酒店或當地最近有甚麼值得參與的節慶;例如他們介紹 在小編入住期間有 Master Chef 進駐及其製作的菜式! 當然價錢不便宜啦!(查價)










入住的 Deluxe Room 很大,窗外可看到Bugis Street與Bugis Junction。放多5~6個行李箱都不是大問題!(查價)



InterContinental Singapore 房間多大呢! 行李箱立即變得很細小! (查價)

高級酒店的好處是茶包都貴很多 – TWG 呀!!!! (查價)

酒店 mini bar~


Room service 叫餐都可以 (查價)

Sony play ,很 high tech!



更重要的是這個,City Guide,它不但可以讓你帶出街使用,更可以免費使用 IDD 及上網!! 雖然有點不太 user friendly…. 但是很貼心! 節省不少電話及上網費! (查價)

酒店還可以用 USB 充電! 但是我的房間好像用不到!





InterContinental Singapore 早餐可以選擇在一樓餐廳或者是CLUB享用,酒店提供的早餐是典型的早餐buffet,食物種類很多,中西日印,樣樣都有,食物水準亦不錯。單單蜜糖都有4款供客人選擇! 而且果汁還一支支任你自由簡! (查價)




InterContinental Singapore 酒店的服務絕對沒有 complain 餘地,職員十分有善,又常常問你有什麼需要。 而且After service 做得很好,像我回到香港後,它們的 Customer Service 人員還給我 send 了一個 Email 祝我有個愉快旅程! (查價)

Dear XXXXXX (隱藏),

It was a pleasure to have you stay with us at InterContinental Singapore. We hope that you had an enjoyable stay and a safe onward journey or return trip home.

As an IHG Rewards Club member, we value your continued support and your feedback. Please be informed that you may receive an online guest satisfaction survey following this. We would be grateful if you could share your feedback with us so that we may work on better serving your needs on your return visit. Your feedback will serve as encouragement to our colleagues.

If on the other hand, your stay has been less than excellent, please feel free to contact me directly or provide me with a phone number and I will personally call you at your convenience.

Again, thank you very much for staying with us. Should you require any assistance for your next visit to Singapore, please do not hesi tate to contact myself or any of our team members.

We look forward to welcoming you back at InterContinental Singapore in the near future.

 If you would like to share about your stay experience with other travellers, please click on the TripAdvisor link on the right.

Joanne Chuah
Guest Relations Manager


InterContinental Singapore實在是一間非常值得入住的酒店,交通又方便,衣食住行樣樣齊,很岩一家大細、出差d或情侶入住! 最後以 Tripadvisor 的家庭入住 comment 做總結:


We are 2 adults and a 9 year old stopping over for a week before heading to Europe for Xmas. We booked a suite Club level. Check in at the club lounge was done with high tea served. After a long flight that was very relaxing. Our room was perfect: clean, tidy. Our luggage was there, the sofa bed made…



新加坡洲際酒店 (InterContinental Singapore)

地址: 80 Middle Road , 武吉士, 新加坡, 新加坡, 188966

查詢空房及價格: 按此

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